Luck is in Your Hands!
Mar 17, 2020
I have always enjoyed St. Patrick's Day. Parades, green dyed everything, and the possibility that a little fey creature may have a horde of gold someplace. Most fascinating to me is the idea that we could influence our luck on this day, and have always loved the lucky talismans: four leaf clovers, horseshoes, and wearing green and gold.
But what of luck anyway? Does luck show up in the hand?
Traditionally, luck was seen in the position of the Fate Line (or Jupiter Line), or in the Success Line.
My biggest life lesson on luck occurred early in my relationship when I turned to my lovely husband one day and told him how lucky I felt to be in this relationship. He replied, "It's not luck," explaining that this relationship has been a labor of love and commitment co-created by both of us. "I feel fortunate to be with you, Jim." he said, "which is more than luck."
I was greatly moved by this profound observation, and it has greatly influenced my beliefs. Today I would characterize luck more accurately as "dumb luck," meaning, you very little power over this completely random occurrence.
Fortune, however, is completely within your ability to influence. We create our fortune through our actions, in-actions, and our response to the situations, and we can change our fortune any time. How empowering to embrace this idea!
This means that there are influences, and they can show up on the hand, but ultimately, you have quite a lot of power when it comes to how those influences show up. For instance, sometimes I may see something potentially difficult in the fate line. These difficulties often show up as life lessons, but there is never a pre-ordained way that these lessons show up. This is where you have enormous power. How would you like to learn your life lesson? Through a tragedy or a blessing? Through action or in-action? You actually get to choose! The choice isn't necessarily made one day while imploring the Divine for mercy, but in the every day little choices that ultimately lead to a breakthrough, or breakdown. (often a breakdown followed by breakthrough)
So, this St. Patrick's Day, I invite you to hope for luck, and, more importantly, embrace your FORTUNE, because, truly, your fortune is in your hands.