The Thumb: Taking Action with Venus and Mars

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2020

The Divine Hand method of palmistry relies on much more than just the lines on the hand. During a reading, I usually begin by reading the body language of the hand, that is, the position of the fingers, the tension in the muscles, the posture and position of the hand while at rest or in action.

Particularly revealing is the thumb. Notice that much of what you do with your hands involves your opposable thumb: grasping, holding, typing, playing, gesturing... all things where the thumb is often necessary. Those who have lost the use of their thumb know better than any of us how much we rely on this digit.

Like all the fingers, the thumb has a planetary correspondence. In this case, the thumb is unique as it is associated with two planets: Venus and Mars. The Mount of Venus is the large pad under the thumb on the palm, and the lower Mount of Mars is located between the index finger and thumb. These two planetary associations make perfect sense when we think of what we do with the thumb. 

The thumb as an indicator of how willing a person is to DO things. Venus represents love and desire, and Lower Mars represents brute force. We desire something which drives our brute force to get it. This is really a great definition of "doing" something. I want the book, so I reach for it physically. I want the car, so I DO work for money so I can buy it. 

When reading the thumb, I look at its position relative to the hand. If the thumb is splayed out at a 90-degree angle from the hand, that person is ready and willing to take action. if the thumb is pressed against the hand, they are much less willing or ready to take action. 

You can use this little observation to learn about people around you. The next time you are at a meeting, observe the thumbs of the attendees. Usually, those who are actively volunteering have their thumbs out and ready. Those who are quiet will have their thumbs in a more retracted pose. If you have an opportunity to observe the people, look at their hands to check and see - are they willing to do work (thumb out), or are they hoping to get a pass (thumbs in).

Here is a "bio-feedback" hack for your own self. Let's say there is a thing you know you need to do (laundry? that pesky email? windows? exercise?) but really don't feel motivated to do it. Check out your thumbs: they are likely being held close to your hand. Hack that by extending your thumbs outward and holding them there for 3-5 min. You won't be able to sit still for long; the position of the thumb will trigger a desire to get up and DO something. 

Try it and comment below to let me know how that biofeedback hack worked for you!


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