The Thumb: Taking Action with Venus and Mars

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2020

The Divine Hand method of palmistry relies on much more than just the lines on the hand. During a reading, I usually begin by reading the body language of the hand, that is, the position of the fingers, the tension in the muscles, the posture and position of the hand while at rest or in action.

Particularly revealing is the thumb. Notice that much of what you do with your hands involves your opposable thumb: grasping, holding, typing, playing, gesturing... all things where the thumb is often necessary. Those who have lost the use of their thumb know better than any of us how much we rely on this digit.

Like all the fingers, the thumb has a planetary correspondence. In this case, the thumb is unique as it is associated with two planets: Venus and Mars. The Mount of Venus is the large pad under the thumb on the palm, and the lower Mount of Mars is located between the index finger and thumb. These two planetary associations make perfect sense when we think of what we do with...

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How I Didn't Save Jenny's Marriage.

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2020

“You saved my marriage!” 

Years ago I had worked with Jenny, an event planner who booked me for parties and corporate gatherings. At some point, she hired me for a “girls night” of wine and palmistry at her own home. (A great idea, by the way, and fun for everyone!)

When it came time for Jenny’s reading, she knew exactly what it was about: her love life. She was becoming more and more annoyed with her husband, and was pondering a divorce. Looking at her palms, it was evident that she was as much at fault in pulling back from the relationship as him, so I advised her, in part, to work on her own attitude (she admitted, while laughing, that she can be “super bitchy”). I encouraged her to push the relationship to its limits, and really lean in with love and engagement. I suggested she be the first person to do the loving thing. If the relationship couldn’t take the pressure, it would break, and she would get her wish. If it did...

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Luck is in Your Hands!

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2020

I have always enjoyed St. Patrick's Day. Parades, green dyed everything, and the possibility that a little fey creature may have a horde of gold someplace. Most fascinating to me is the idea that we could influence our luck on this day, and have always loved the lucky talismans: four leaf clovers, horseshoes, and wearing green and gold.

But what of luck anyway? Does luck show up in the hand?
Traditionally, luck was seen in the position of the Fate Line (or Jupiter Line), or in the Success Line. 
My biggest life lesson on luck occurred early in my relationship when I turned to my lovely husband one day and told him how lucky I felt to be in this relationship. He replied, "It's not luck," explaining that this relationship has been a labor of love and commitment co-created by both of us. "I feel fortunate to be with you, Jim." he said, "which is more than luck." 
I was greatly moved by this profound observation, and it has greatly influenced my beliefs....
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Love in Your Hands

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2020

Valentine's day - such a controversial holiday!  There is question about the origin: A modern scheme invented by the candy, greeting card, and floral industries to booth revenue post Christmas?  An ancient Roman pagan holiday celebrating the origin of Rome?  A day to remember a martyred 3rd century Catholic saint?

There is also controversy within people's heart: a day of pain for those who are separated from loved ones, either through distance, death, or divorce/breakup, or a day of joy for those who do have someone close to love and with whom to celebrate.

I see so many clients who want to know about their love life.  For some, it is the longing for a love that has not yet happened.  For others it is big decisions concerning the relationship they are currently in. 

The hands reveal so much about love, and one's relationship to the idea of a relationship.  The two elements of the hand I tend to see reflecting love and potential for relationship are...

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The Woman in White

It was Saturday, June 7th 2008 when friends Anna and Tommy* came for a reading at the house. I was ready for them with the tea brewed and the fragrance of sweet incense emanating from the other room.  They had booked their session in advance, wanting to split the reading between the two of them before a fun night out on the town.

Tommy was a jolly fellow, quick to smile and we hit it off immediately. His beautiful hands were easy to read, and the words flowed effortlessly off my lips as I traced his lines, and analyzed shape of his hand and fingers. I don't remember the details of his reading (common for me), but I do remember all of us laughing and being delighted at the accurate details that were coming through. After about 30 minutes, his reading was over, and it was time for Anna.

She was very excited, as was I, looking forward to a fun and illuminating experience just like the one her good friend Tommy just experienced. As I took her hands, however, I felt something I had...

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